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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Where will the next outbreak occur?

I think the next outbreak of Dengue Fever will occur in Southern Africa. Mostly because that is where it began and most of the outbreak have occured in Africa. In parts of Africa, doctors do not have access to standard equipment or clean water to clean needles in.

Friday, February 17, 2012

10 Basic Facts About Dengue Fever

  • Dengue fever is a highly contagious disease that has  been around for thousands of years.
  • Mosquitioes are the primary carriers, and infect humans when they bite
  • There is no known vaccine for the disease
  • Important to stay away from mosquito infested areas
  • Scientist are trying their best to come up with a vaccine
  • Best defense is mosquito repellent and bio-containment of infected persons
  • Dengue is an athropod-borne virus
  • It is often called the "back bone fever"
  • Has spread to Middle East, Far East, Africa, the America's, Europe, and Austraila
  • Due to modern technology, most patients die of dengue hemorrhage fever instead of dengue fever
  • With help from today’s technology, “Typical dengue is fatal in less than one percent of cases (Dengue fever, Wikipedia)."