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Friday, February 17, 2012

10 Basic Facts About Dengue Fever

  • Dengue fever is a highly contagious disease that has  been around for thousands of years.
  • Mosquitioes are the primary carriers, and infect humans when they bite
  • There is no known vaccine for the disease
  • Important to stay away from mosquito infested areas
  • Scientist are trying their best to come up with a vaccine
  • Best defense is mosquito repellent and bio-containment of infected persons
  • Dengue is an athropod-borne virus
  • It is often called the "back bone fever"
  • Has spread to Middle East, Far East, Africa, the America's, Europe, and Austraila
  • Due to modern technology, most patients die of dengue hemorrhage fever instead of dengue fever
  • With help from today’s technology, “Typical dengue is fatal in less than one percent of cases (Dengue fever, Wikipedia)."